+++ Breaking News: The final ralley day! Unicamels picking oranges! No camel No cry! Farewell in three acts! +++
Unbelievable – it‘s the last day of the rallye. Three weeks went by so fast.
At 9 in the morning our final day started with an official announcement by the gouverneur. After that all the teams made their way over gravel roads to a mountain look out where we also broke the seal on Henry´s hood under the eyes of the organisation committee. Can you believe it? Henry made the three weeks without someone having to open the hood.
After that everyone made their way down to an orange plantation in the valley. Obelix didn´t take the last bit of the route so well and we had to stop every 5 minutes to replace the entire coolant. We had to leave him behind at the side of the road and made our way to the plantation in Dr. Sox.
Although we were the last on the road we managed to be one of the first cars to reach the destination with a little help by the local police. There we faced jet another challenge: Pick as many oranges as you can carry. We didn’t hesitate and filled our unicorn suits with over 400 oranges. After counting we got them all back with the task of distributing them in Dalyan.
On our way to Dalyan we picked up Obelix and then it was time to pack our bags as Judith and Oli were going to fly back home in a couple of hours.
Dr. Sox and Henry went for a last joyride to reach our personal goal – 10,000 km and to donate our camping gear. At the end we had 10,092 km! The team with the most kilometres!
Fortunately we found a captain at the Dalyan harbor that was happy to take our camping gear, mattresses, cooking equipment and 400 oranges. The rest of the Unicamels and Andrea and Marcus booked a boat trip to the beach for the next day.
Now it was time for the final event. The musical challenge – playing Brother Jacob and Highway to hell on different instruments was more of a trial than something to be enjoyed and everyone was happy when it was finally time for the ceremony. More than 50 teams made it to the 4th place and the unicamels were one of them!
The first place and the camel went to the Swiss team „No Camel No Cry“ which are also the first team that are actually allowed to bring the camel back home. The European Union and Switzerland allow Turkish camels but not Jordanian camels to pass the boarder.
They ensured us that they will find a good home for the camel. Congratulations to Team „No Camel No Cry“!
Nwo it was time to say goodbye. Obelix was the first car that was left at the drop of point. What a weird feeling leaving him there with keys inserted. Judith and Oli made their way to the airport while the rest of the unicamels celebrated the completion of the rallye.
The rest of the Unicamels and Andrea and Marcus enjoyed the boat trip.
After lunch it was time to say goodbye again. Henry already had a flat tyre. Precision landing!
Jana and Hauke decided to make one last trip with Dr. Sox to the north.